How To Write a Press Release and Get Media Coverage for Your Business

How To Write a Press Release and Get Media Coverage for Your Business


A press release is still considered one of the most effective tools you can use to get media coverage for your business/brand. Media coverage raises awareness of your brand profile and the work of your business and encourages people to pay attention to your business. It is an important part of the PR mix and ensures that members of the public are kept in the loop about your business updates. In a social media age many have argued that press releases are dying a slow death but they are still relevant as long as they are written well.  Ronke Lawal has written this eGuide for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to learn how to write your own press releases and pitch their business stories to journalists and the press.

This is ideal for those who are thinking about doing their own media relations as part of their PR strategy. You will be given advice on the content and structure of your press release and how to approach journalists effectively to achieve media coverage.

Once you have ordered this guide you will receive a PDF copy of this eGuide.

You may also wish to consider undertaking media training to prepare you for media coverage.

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