PR and Small Business Events, Corporate Seminars, Workshops and Training - UK
The Art of Self-Promotion: How To Promote Yourself
6:00 PM18:00

The Art of Self-Promotion: How To Promote Yourself

"The Art of Self-Promotion: How To Promote Yourself" is an empowering event designed to help individuals master the essential skill of self-promotion in today's competitive world. Whether you're an entrepreneur, author, artist, or professional looking to advance in your career, this event will provide you with actionable strategies to effectively market yourself, your talents, and your achievements. Attendees will learn how to build a personal brand, leverage social media, and communicate their unique value with confidence and authenticity. 

Join Ronke Lawal to unlock the secrets of promoting yourself successfully and standing out in any field.

This event will give delegates the confidence and tactical approaches to become more proactive about self-promotion and promoting their work to their key audiences.

This is for you if:

  • You are nervous about self-promotion and need prompts to help you

  • You feel like you are hiding in the shadows behind your work

  • You know that you can do more to actively speak about your work

  • You are frustrated with the way in which your work is being received to the wider world

In this session we will cover:

  • Digital self-promotional tactics & social media

  • Offline promotional tactics

  • Personal branding

  • Confidence building hacks

  • Understanding your audience and knowing your message

Ariatu PR Founder, Ronke Lawal is an award-winning entrepreneur, public speaker and Public Relations specialist. Born in Hackney, East London she graduated with honours from Lancaster University and the University of Richmond Virginia (USA) with a degree in International Business (Economics), she started her own PR and Communications business in 2004. She is a passionate advocate for enterprise, equality and equity through diverse and inclusive leadership. She consults clients on PR strategy and facilitates training in personal branding, PR & Comms strategy and runs holistic, practical media training. She uses PR and personal brand coaching to empower individuals to have an impact in the professional and personal spaces that they navigate. 

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How To Build Your Personal Brand
1:00 PM13:00

How To Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is how you are perceived by others and the reputation you build for yourself; it refers to the way in which you present yourself to the world, both personally and professionally. It encompasses your unique combination of skills, experiences, values, and personality traits which set you apart from others, particularly in your sector or industry.

In essence, your personal brand is the story you tell about yourself and the impression you leave on others - what do they say when you leave the room? What do you want them to say about you? It is what people think about when they consider your expertise, character, reputation and overall image.

This session is ideal for business owners, creatives, authors, entrepreneurs or professionals who want to raise their visibility and business credibility.

This webinar is for you if:

  • You have been working hard in your sector for many years but do not get the recognition that you feel like you deserve

  • You are often overlooked for exciting new opportunities in your sector

  • You are ready for a breakthrough as a leader in your sector

  • You want to widen your circle of influence beyond the people who currently know you

  • You are frustrated with the way your online footprint represents you

What we will cover in our 90 minute seminar. 

  • The Power of a Personal brand - how having a strong personal brand can open up new opportunities in your business or career journey.

  • Harnessing your voice - Knowing and understanding what your message is, who your audience is and how to reach them.

  • Using PR to enhance your profile - Using public relations strategies to enhance your public profile.

  • Identifying your values & Knowing your purpose - Understanding what your brand is and how you can maintain your integrity and authenticity.

  • Social Media strategy - How to use social media platforms to raise your visibility.

Ariatu PR Founder, Ronke Lawal is an award-winning entrepreneur, public speaker and Public Relations specialist. Born in Hackney, East London she graduated with honours from Lancaster University and the University of Richmond Virginia (USA) with a degree in International Business (Economics), she started her own PR and Communications business in 2004. She is a passionate advocate for enterprise, equality and equity through diverse and inclusive leadership. She consults clients on PR strategy and facilitates training in personal branding, PR & Comms strategy and runs holistic, practical media training. She uses PR and personal brand coaching to empower individuals to have an impact in the professional and personal spaces that they navigate. Visit to connect with Ronke.

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The Art of Self-Promotion: How To Promote Yourself
1:00 PM13:00

The Art of Self-Promotion: How To Promote Yourself

"The Art of Self-Promotion: How To Promote Yourself" is an empowering event designed to help individuals master the essential skill of self-promotion in today's competitive world. Whether you're an entrepreneur, author, artist, or professional looking to advance in your career, this event will provide you with actionable strategies to effectively market yourself, your talents, and your achievements. Attendees will learn how to build a personal brand, leverage social media, and communicate their unique value with confidence and authenticity. 

Join Ronke Lawal to unlock the secrets of promoting yourself successfully and standing out in any field.

This event will give delegates the confidence and tactical approaches to become more proactive about self-promotion and promoting their work to their key audiences.

This is for you if:

  • You are nervous about self-promotion and need prompts to help you

  • You feel like you are hiding in the shadows behind your work

  • You know that you can do more to actively speak about your work

  • You are frustrated with the way in which your work is being received to the wider world

In this session we will cover:

  • Digital self-promotional tactics & social media

  • Offline promotional tactics

  • Personal branding

  • Confidence building hacks

  • Understanding your audience and knowing your message

Ariatu PR Founder, Ronke Lawal is an award-winning entrepreneur, public speaker and Public Relations specialist. Born in Hackney, East London she graduated with honours from Lancaster University and the University of Richmond Virginia (USA) with a degree in International Business (Economics), she started her own PR and Communications business in 2004. She is a passionate advocate for enterprise, equality and equity through diverse and inclusive leadership. She consults clients on PR strategy and facilitates training in personal branding, PR & Comms strategy and runs holistic, practical media training. She uses PR and personal brand coaching to empower individuals to have an impact in the professional and personal spaces that they navigate. 

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How To Build Your Personal Brand
1:00 PM13:00

How To Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is how you are perceived by others and the reputation you build for yourself; it refers to the way in which you present yourself to the world, both personally and professionally. It encompasses your unique combination of skills, experiences, values, and personality traits which set you apart from others, particularly in your sector or industry.

In essence, your personal brand is the story you tell about yourself and the impression you leave on others - what do they say when you leave the room? What do you want them to say about you? It is what people think about when they consider your expertise, character, reputation and overall image.

This session is ideal for business owners, creatives, authors, entrepreneurs or professionals who want to raise their visibility and business credibility.

This webinar is for you if:

  • You have been working hard in your sector for many years but do not get the recognition that you feel like you deserve

  • You are often overlooked for exciting new opportunities in your sector

  • You are ready for a breakthrough as a leader in your sector

  • You want to widen your circle of influence beyond the people who currently know you

  • You are frustrated with the way your online footprint represents you

What we will cover in our 90 minute seminar. 

  • The Power of a Personal brand - how having a strong personal brand can open up new opportunities in your business or career journey.

  • Harnessing your voice - Knowing and understanding what your message is, who your audience is and how to reach them.

  • Using PR to enhance your profile - Using public relations strategies to enhance your public profile.

  • Identifying your values & Knowing your purpose - Understanding what your brand is and how you can maintain your integrity and authenticity.

  • Social Media strategy - How to use social media platforms to raise your visibility.

Ariatu PR Founder, Ronke Lawal is an award-winning entrepreneur, public speaker and Public Relations specialist. Born in Hackney, East London she graduated with honours from Lancaster University and the University of Richmond Virginia (USA) with a degree in International Business (Economics), she started her own PR and Communications business in 2004. She is a passionate advocate for enterprise, equality and equity through diverse and inclusive leadership. She consults clients on PR strategy and facilitates training in personal branding, PR & Comms strategy and runs holistic, practical media training. She uses PR and personal brand coaching to empower individuals to have an impact in the professional and personal spaces that they navigate. Visit to connect with Ronke.

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Bouncing Back in Entrepreneurship
6:00 AM06:00

Bouncing Back in Entrepreneurship

Celebrating 10 years of black women, black stories and Black Ballad with the first ever #BBWeekender - a two day lifestyle festival for Black women taking place this August Bank Holiday!

10 years ago, Black Ballad was created to give Black women in Britain a place to call home.

Ariatu PR founder will be chairing a panel called “Bouncing Back in Entrepreneurship”

Use the code RONKE or this link to get 10% off:

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REBOOT - The Virtual Wellness Festival:  The Importance of a Personal Brand
7:30 PM19:30

REBOOT - The Virtual Wellness Festival: The Importance of a Personal Brand

The Importance of a Personal Brand: In this high impact session Ronke Lawal will be providing strategic insight into how individuals can boost their personal brands. This is ideal for business owners, entrepreneurs or professionals who want to raise their visibility and credibility within their professional or business lives. Delegates will learn how to make more of an impact within their sectors both online via social media and offline at networking events or through public speaking opportunities. Ronke will also show delegates how to use PR tactics to raise their personal brands effectively, develop effective relationships and build a community of personal brand ambassadors who will champion them throughout their career or business journeys.

Running from January 18th - January 28th 2021, over 8 evenings, the REBOOT festival will help you to REBOOT your career, confidence, sleep, body image, love life, sex life, and much more!

Each day of the festival is focussed around a different topic, and we’ll be bringing you three different speakers each day. Every talk is a bite-size 30 minutes, and as a virtual festival, everything is hosted online so that you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own home. Find our more and order a ticket here:

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Black Book Presents Black History Month: How PR works and ways it can help businesses succeed
2:00 PM14:00

Black Book Presents Black History Month: How PR works and ways it can help businesses succeed

October is Black History Month in the UK and Black Book is hosting a series of engaging events every Tuesday focused on the food and drinks world in the UK.

The events will bring together a global collective of thought leaders and experts within the food and drink world, the event series looks to explore these themes in a meaningful and dynamic ways. As well as a celebration this is also a time to support, nurture, and address topics that surround our community.

Ronke Lawal will be hosting a PR session on the 6th October. Tickets are available here:

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 PR as a Force for Positive Change - PRCA UK National Conference
3:35 PM15:35

PR as a Force for Positive Change - PRCA UK National Conference

Ronke Lawal will be speaking on a panel at the PRCA UK National Conference: Panel Title: ‘How PR & Business shifted in 2020’. To book tickets: - Use discount code which keeps the early bird offer: Member: PRCANatconf2020M

Non-member: PRCANatconf2020N

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CoronaCon 2020
4:00 PM16:00

CoronaCon 2020

On June 16th Ronke Lawal will be hosting a presentation on how consumer brands can ‘COVID-proof’ themselves for the future using the right comms tools for the CIPR Greater London Group

 The Public Relations and communications community unites to share best practice and key lessons from the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

Join Ronke and other PR and Comms Pros for the #CoronaCon - tickets are available here:

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Modern Career Women - Presented by The Modern Career Coach
6:30 PM18:30

Modern Career Women - Presented by The Modern Career Coach

Ariatu PR Founder, Ronke Lawal, is looking forward at participating in this upcoming event.

From side-hustles and self-employment to juggling motherhood and building an empire, the Modern Career Women event will uncover what it takes to get ahead in the modern world of careers without compromising on your passions or beliefs.

Through an in-depth panel discussion, you will be learning about the step by step process this incredible all-female panel took to carve out successful careers. Each panelist will represent a unique modern career path, whether it’s being a leader in a business, having a lifestyle business or building a business for growth, what all these women have in common is experience and advice to share with you.

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Careers in Public Relations: Entering the PR Industry
6:00 PM18:00

Careers in Public Relations: Entering the PR Industry

  • London College of Communication (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Careers in Public Relations and Communications


With the support of the London College of Communication, guests will be introduced to different Public Relations career pathways through a moderated conversation with PR professionals, who will also share guiding practical steps for a career in Public Relations.

There will also be the opportunity to participate in a 30-minutes Q&A session with invited speakers, in addition to networking sessions before and after the discussion.

Expect an interactive conversation from practicing communications professionals from different sectors. The  Conversation will be led by Ronke Lawal, Founder of Ariatu PR. Speaking panelists include: Tobi Ruth Adebekun, Denise Renner and Loren Stutts

This free event is open for ALL - Book tickets here.

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10:00 AM10:00

Introduction to Social Media

social media.png

This introduction to social media workshop will provide delegates with useful tips and advice on how they can improve their relationship with social media and ensure an effective use of digital platforms.

Social media platforms are powerful public relations resources and entrepreneurs, business founders and professionals should learn how to use it confidently in a way that make an impact on their business and personal brands. Too often people complain that they can't keep up with social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter without understanding the purpose of being on these platforms. Please note that this workshop will not cover how to get more followers or the more technical side of social media, this is an introductory session on understanding the purpose and strategic value of social media.

In the 2 hour session we will cover:

  • Types of Social Media Platforms

  • Choosing The Right Platform for Your business/Personal Brand

  • Tools to Manage Social Media

  • How to build Your Social Media community

Delegates receive 20% off the HOW TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTIVELY eGuide using this code: INTROTOSOCIALMEDIA2019 ends 6th November - order one here:

If you require a social media audit order this service here:

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Introduction to Public Speaking
10:00 AM10:00

Introduction to Public Speaking

This introduction to public speaking workshop will provide delegates with useful tips and advice on how they can improve their public speaking in business and professional settings.

One of the most powerful PR tactics that an entrepreneur/business founder and professional can use when boosting their personal brand visibility is public speaking.

Becoming a confident public speaker enables you to build your own influence and solidifies your relationship with your target audience.

It will cover some basic public speaking principles as well as some interactive exercises.

It serves as an introduction to the more intensive public speaking 1 to 1 consultation offered by Ronke Lawal:

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Personal Branding Masterclass
10:00 AM10:00

Personal Branding Masterclass

In this high impact masterclass session Ronke Lawal will be providing strategic insight into how individuals can boost their personal brands. This is ideal for business owners, entrepreneurs or professionals who want to raise their corporate visibility and business credibility. Delegates will learn how to make more of an impact within their sectors both online via social media and offline at networking events or through public speaking opportunities. Ronke will also show delegates how to use PR tactics to raise their personal brands effectively, develop effective relationships and build a community of personal brand ambassadors who will champion them throughout their career or business journeys.

  • The Power of A Personal brand - how having a strong personal brand can make an impact on your overall marketing strategy and open up new opportunities in your business or career journey.

  • Reputation Management - How to build trust with your core audience and customer base

  • Using PR to enhance your profile - Using public relations strategies to enhance your public profile.

  • Identifying your values & Knowing your purpose - Understanding what your brand is and how you can maintain your integrity and authenticity.

  • Social Media strategy - How to use social media platforms to raise your visibility.

  • Public Speaking Tips - Advice and guidance on becoming a more confident public speaker.

  • Measuring Success - Assessing Long term goals and celebrating success.

Ronke Lawal, Founder of Ariatu PR is dedicated to seeing small business shine and succeed, using over a decade of business experience she will be giving business owners an overview of how to use PR to gain media coverage and ultimately grow their business.

Use hashtag #AriatuPRPersonalBrand

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How To Get Featured by The Media
6:00 PM18:00

How To Get Featured by The Media

How To Get Featured by The Media: In this comprehensive business seminar small business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs will learn how to undertake their own media campaigns and get media attention for their personal and business brands.Core elements of the seminar will include:

  • Understanding different types of media - The various layers and types of media.
  • Understanding PR and the media, and the impact it has on business growth.
  • Telling Your Business Story - How to write a great press release with a winning headline.
  • Media Training - Tips on preparing for media exposure
  • Crisis Management - Tips on how to handle a crisis in the media spotlight
  • How To Use Media Coverage To Grow Your Brand - Using media coverage to attract new customers and clients
  • Identifying Your Audience - Learn how to position the brand to get the right press in front of the right audience.
  • Use Social Media To Make An Impact - Pinpointing the best social media platforms necessary to amplify the brand.

Ronke Lawal, Founder of Ariatu PR is dedicated to seeing small business shine and succeed, using over a decade of business experience she will be giving business owners an overview of how to use PR to gain media coverage and ultimately grow their business.

What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

The nearest station is Shoreditch High Street. The venue is a short bus ride away from Liverpool Street and Bethnal Green stations (10 minutes by foot). Though there may be some pay per hour parking it is advisable to check before driving.

What can I bring into the event?

Laptop, smartphone, notepad, pen and a smile.

What's the refund policy?

No refunds

Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable?

You may transfer your ticket to another event.

Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends?

Yes but please send a note.

About The AFFORD Business Club

AFFORD Business club will support African diaspora entrepreneurs by providing business development support to entrepreneurs who seek to develop or launch their businesses in Africa.

If you are an African Diaspora entrepreneur then the AFFORD Business club is an ideal space to network, and get support for your business, in the diaspora, and in Africa.

We provide business development support and services to innovative, fast-growing diaspora SMEs to ensure they can – deliver their core business; produce socially-responsible products and services; and create well-paid, and sustainable jobs to contribute to Africa’s wealth and prosperity. For more information and to become a member:

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How To Build Your Personal Brand
10:00 AM10:00

How To Build Your Personal Brand

In this high impact seminar Ronke Lawal will be providing strategic insight into how individuals can boost their personal brands. This is ideal for business owners, entrepreneurs or professionals who want to raise their corporate visibility and business credibility. Delegates will learn how to make more of an impact within their sectors both online via social media and offline at networking events or through public speaking opportunities. Ronke will also show delegates how to use PR tactics to raise their personal brands effectively, develop effective relationships and build a community of personal brand ambassadors who will champion them throughout their career or business journeys.

  • The Power of A Personal brand - how having a strong personal brand can make an impact on your overall marketing strategy and open up new opportunities in your business or career journey.
  • Using PR to enhance your profile - Using public relations strategies to enhance your public profile.
  • Identifying your values & Knowing your purpose - Understanding what your brand is and how you can maintain your integrity and authenticity.
  • Social Media strategy - How to use social media platforms to raise your visibility.
  • Public Speaking Tips - Advice and guidance on becoming a more confident public speaker.
  • Measuring Success - Assessing Long term goals and celebrating success.

Ronke Lawal, Founder of Ariatu PR is dedicated to seeing small business shine and succeed, using over a decade of business experience she will be giving business owners an overview of how to use PR to gain media coverage and ultimately grow their business.

Use hashtag #AriatuPRPersonalBrand


What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

The nearest station is Shoreditch High Street. The venue is a short bus ride away from Liverpool Street and Bethnal Green stations (10 minutes by foot). Though there may be some pay per hour parking it is advisable to check before driving.

What can I bring into the event?

Laptop, smartphone, notepad, pen and a smile.

What's the refund policy?

No refunds

Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable?

You may transfer your ticket to another event.

Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends?

Yes but please send a note.

About The AFFORD Business Club

AFFORD Business club will support African diaspora entrepreneurs by providing business development support to entrepreneurs who seek to develop or launch their businesses in Africa.

If you are an African Diaspora entrepreneur then the AFFORD Business club is an ideal space to network, and get support for your business, in the diaspora, and in Africa.

We provide business development support and services to innovative, fast-growing diaspora SMEs to ensure they can – deliver their core business; produce socially-responsible products and services; and create well-paid, and sustainable jobs to contribute to Africa’s wealth and prosperity. For more information and to become a member:

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How To Build Your Personal Brand
10:30 AM10:30

How To Build Your Personal Brand

  • Voluntary Action Islington (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this high impact seminar Ronke Lawal will be providing strategic insight into how individuals can boost their personal brands. This is ideal for business owners, entrepreneurs or professionals who want to raise their corporate visibility and business credibility. Delegates will learn how to make more of an impact within their sectors both online via social media and offline at networking events or through public speaking opportunities. Ronke will also use PR tactics to show delegates how to use raise their personal brands effectively, develop effective relationships and build a community of personal brand ambassadors who will champion them throughout their career or business journeys.

  • The Power of A Personal brand  - how having a strong personal brand can make an impact on your overall marketing strategy and open up new opportunities in your business or career journey.
  • Using PR to enhance your profile - Using public relations strategies to enhance your public profile.
  • Identifying your values & Knowing  your purpose - Understanding what your brand is and how you can maintain your integrity and authenticity.
  • Social Media strategy - How to use social media platforms to raise your visibility.
  • Public Speaking Tips - Advice and guidance on becoming a more confident public speaker.
  • Measuring Success - Assessing Long term goals and celebrating success.

Ronke Lawal, Founder of Ariatu PR is dedicated to seeing small business shine and succeed, using over a decade of business experience she will be giving business owners an overview of how to use PR to gain media coverage and ultimately grow their business. 

Use hashtag #AriatuPRPersonalBrand


What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

Voluntary Action Islington is approximately 10 minutes walk from King’s Cross Station

On exiting King’s Cross Underground station turn left and head eastwards on Euston Road and walk for 3 minutes. At the junction continue straight ahead onto Pentonville Road and continue for a further 7 minutes until arriving at Voluntary Action Islington.

Buses that run along Pentonville Road include 30, 73, 214.
Additional buses that stop at King’s Cross Station include 10, 17, 45, 46, 63, 91, 259, 390.

Trains to King’s Cross, St Pancras or Euston.

Piccadilly, Circle, Victoria, Hammersmith and City, Northern and Metropolitan lines all pass through King’s Cross Station.

Car parking
Parking meters in the surrounding streets.

What can I bring into the event?

Please bring a smartphone and notebook.

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PR For Start Ups and Small Businesses
10:30 AM10:30

PR For Start Ups and Small Businesses

Ronke Lawal, Founder of Ariatu PR is dedicated to seeing small business shine and succeed, using over a decade of business experience she will be giving business owners an overview of how to use PR to improve credibility, gain media coverage and ultimately grow their business. 

In this comprehensive business seminar small business owners and entrepreneurs will learn how to undertake their own PR campaigns. 

  • Understanding PR the media, and the impact it has on business growth.
  • Telling Your Unique Business Story - How to write a great press release with a winning headline.
  • Identifying Your Audience - Learn how to build brand reputation and credibility and how to position your brand to get the right press in front of the right audience.
  • Use Social Media To Make An Impact -Pinpointing the best social media platforms necessary to amplify the brand and manage brand reputation.
  • How To Use PR to Grow Your Business - Using media coverage to attract new customers and clients.

By the end of the seminar each participant should feel confident enough to use PR to manage their brand reputation and get media coverage for their business.


What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

Voluntary Action Islington is approximately 10 minutes walk from King’s Cross Station

On exiting King’s Cross Underground station turn left and head eastwards on Euston Road and walk for 3 minutes. At the junction continue straight ahead onto Pentonville Road and continue for a further 7 minutes until arriving at Voluntary Action Islington.

Buses that run along Pentonville Road include 30, 73, 214.
Additional buses that stop at King’s Cross Station include 10, 17, 45, 46, 63, 91, 259, 390.

Trains to King’s Cross, St Pancras or Euston.

Piccadilly, Circle, Victoria, Hammersmith and City, Northern and Metropolitan lines all pass through King’s Cross Station.

Car parking
Parking meters in the surrounding streets.

What can I bring into the event?

Please bring a smartphone and notebook.

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How To Use PR To Get Media Coverage For Your Business
10:00 AM10:00

How To Use PR To Get Media Coverage For Your Business

Eventbrite - How To Use PR To Get Media Coverage For Your Business

Ronke Lawal, Founder of Ariatu PR is dedicated to seeing small business shine and succeed, using over a decade of business experience she will be giving business owners an overview of how to use PR to gain media coverage and ultimately grow their business. 

In this comprehensive business seminar small business owners and entrepreneurs from a range of industries including creative arts, the food sector, fashion and beauty can learn how to do their own PR campaigns. 

  • Understanding PR and the impact it has on business growth.
  • Telling Your Business Story - How to write a great press release with a winning headline.
  • Identifying Your Audience - Learn how to position the brand to get the right press in front of the right audience.
  • Use Social Media To Make An Impact -Pinpointing the best social media platforms necessary to amplify the brand.
  • How To Use PR to Grow Your Business - Using media coverage to attract new customers and clients.

By the end of the seminar each participant should feel confident enough to get media coverage for their business.

Watch this YouTube video highlighting PR Tips for Small Business Owners by Ronke Lawal:




What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

Metrolab is conveniently located for easy access to Central London only 5 minutes’ walk to Kings Cross St. Pancras, 5 Minutes’ walk to Mornington Crescent Tube station and 10 minute walk to Camden Road overground station.


What can/can't I bring to the event?

Bring your smartphone/laptop/tablets for interactive engagement during the seminar. We will get online to review certain PR and social media elements. 


Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?

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How To Use PR To Get Media Coverage For Your Business
10:00 AM10:00

How To Use PR To Get Media Coverage For Your Business

Ronke Lawal, Founder of Ariatu PR is dedicated to seeing small business shine and succeed, using over a decade of business experience she will be giving business owners an overview of how to use PR to gain media coverage and ultimately grow their business. 

Eventbrite - How To Use PR To Get Media Coverage For Your Business

In this comprehensive business seminar small business owners and entrepreneurs will learn how to do undertake their own PR campaigns for their businesses. 

  • Understanding PR and the impact it has on business growth.
  • Telling Your Business Story - How to write a great press release with a winning headline.
  • Identifying Your Audience - Learn how to position the brand to get the right press in front of the right audience.
  • Use Social Media To Make An Impact -Pinpointing the best social media platforms necessary to amplify the brand.
  • How To Use PR to Grow Your Business - Using media coverage to attract new customers and clients.

By the end of the seminar each participant should feel confident enough to get media coverage for their business.

The seminar takes place in one of the newly developed Royal Arsenal Riverside complexes with state of the art facilities and only 5 minutes walk away from Woolwich Arsenal DLR/Woolwich Arsenal Train station, just around the corner from the Woolwich Arsenal Crossrail Site - simply cross the Plumstead road to get to Royal Arsenal and follow the map below.

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